March 2024
Regenerative Agriculture

How Mobile Chicken Coops Fit into Regenerative Farming

Let's look at how mobile chicken coops can fit into regenerative farming practices.

Regenerative farming is a way of growing food that aims to improve the land, use resources wisely, and support the natural environment. It’s a farming system that works with nature—rather than against it.

One useful tool in this approach is a mobile chicken coop, which enables dynamic management of land through controlled grazing and fertilization. At UKKÖ Robotics, we’re big fans of smart farm solutions that make your work easier and contribute to a healthier planet.

Let's look at how mobile chicken coops can fit into regenerative farming practices:

A mobile chicken coop pictured on a green farm pasture in California with mountains in the background.

Why Go Mobile With Chicken Coops?

Mobile chicken coops, also known as chicken tractors or robotic pasture barns, allow farmers to move their flock around the farm easily.

This mobility is not just a convenience (although it can cut farm labor by up to 90%)—it also serves several important purposes in regenerative agriculture:

Soil Health and Fertility

As chickens graze, they eat pests and weeds, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides.

Their natural behavior of scratching and pecking helps aerate the soil, and their droppings add valuable nutrients back into the land, enriching soil fertility without synthetic fertilizers.

Pest and Weed Control

Chickens are natural foragers. By moving them around, they can target different areas of your farm, eating up unwanted bugs and weeds. This helps control pest populations and keeps weed growth in check, all without harmful chemicals.

Improved Animal Welfare

Mobile coops ensure that chickens have access to fresh ground regularly, which promotes healthier, happier birds. They get to enjoy a natural environment, with access to fresh air, sunlight, and a varied diet which improves their well-being and leads to higher-quality eggs and meat.

Reduced Feed Costs

With access to a diverse range of natural food sources, chickens in mobile coops often require less supplementary feed. This can significantly reduce feed costs over time.

Integration Into Crop Rotation

Mobile chicken coops can be seamlessly integrated into crop rotation systems (as long as the crop isn’t too stocky, like corn). After one crop is harvested, chickens can be moved in to clean up the field, eating leftover crop residues and pests, while fertilizing the soil for the next crop.

At our UKKÖ test farm, we do this when we sow alfalfa in our fields to give our land a break for three to five years and put our chickens on it a little at a time. Chickens love leafy greens!

One thing to note: chickens take a long time before covering a lot of land. So, if you’re doing this after harvest and have 1000 acres, you may only cover five to ten acres of land per year.

Aerial view of a farm showcasing a mobile chicken coop in a lush green field, representing the integration of poultry into regenerative farming practices.

Making the Most of Mobile Chicken Coops

To fully harness the benefits of mobile chicken coops in regenerative farming, consider the following tips:

Plan Your Moves

Strategic planning of where and when to move the coop can maximize benefits for soil health and crop production. Rotate your chickens through different areas to ensure even distribution of their natural fertilization.

Balance is Key

Monitor the impact of your chickens on the land. Overgrazing or over-fertilization can harm soil health, so finding the right balance based on your land's size and the number of chickens is crucial.

Incorporate Technology

At UKKÖ, we engineer solutions that simplify the management of mobile coops.

Technologies like automated moving systems, water, and feed supplies, as well as monitoring tools, can make it easier to manage your flock and enhance the benefits of using mobile coops.

Educate Yourself and Others

Stay informed about best practices in regenerative farming and mobile coop management. Sharing knowledge with other farmers can lead to innovations and improvements in how we farm regeneratively.

Regenerative Farming FAQs

How are chicken coops sustainable?

Chicken coops are sustainable because they can utilize solar-powered energy and are built with high-quality materials for a longer life cycle, which reduces waste.

Mobile chicken coops like the ROVA|BARN minimize the environmental impact by harnessing renewable energy and promoting durability and efficiency in chicken housing.

What is a movable chicken coop called?

A movable chicken coop has many names—it’s also known as a chicken tractor, schooner, mobile chicken coop, or automated pasture barn.

This type of coop is designed to be relocated easily around a yard or farm. The mobility allows chickens to access fresh grass, bugs, and soil, enhancing their diet and health while naturally fertilizing different areas of the land.

What is regenerative chicken?

Regenerative chicken involves raising chickens in a way that restores soil health and promotes natural ecosystems. This environmentally responsible practice involves rotational grazing and other methods to enhance biodiversity, reduce carbon footprint, and support a more sustainable agricultural system.

Is raising chickens environmentally friendly?

Raising chickens can be environmentally friendly, especially when your operation is managed sustainably. Practices like using pasture-raised systems, like the ROVA|BARN, improve soil health, reduce carbon emissions, and minimize environmental impacts. These systems focus on decentralization, which contrasts with the energy-intensive and potentially polluting practices of large commercial poultry operations.

UKKÖ Robotics: Smart Farming Solutions

At UKKÖ, we're committed to developing smart farming solutions that support regenerative farming practices.

Farmer using a smartphone to monitor and control the high-tech features of a ROVA|BARN mobile chicken coop, embodying UKKÖ Robotics' commitment to smart, sustainable farming solutions.

Our ROVA|BARN series and other smart farming solutions are designed with the health of the land, the welfare of the animals, and the efficiency of the farmer in mind. By integrating smart technologies into our designs, we aim to make regenerative farming more accessible and practical for farmers and homesteaders everywhere.

Mobile chicken coops are more than just a trend in farming—they represent a shift towards more sustainable, ethical, and efficient food production. They allow us to take a step back and rethink how we interact with our land and livestock, promoting a farming future that benefits everyone—farmers, animals, and the planet.

On the path toward a more regenerative and sustainable agriculture system, every action counts. By choosing tools and practices that support the health of our ecosystems, we can make a significant impact. Mobile chicken coops are just one piece of the puzzle, but they're a powerful one. With smart design and thoughtful management, they can play a crucial role in transforming our farms into thriving, sustainable systems that will feed us well into the future.

Products we featured in this article


Small Scale Pasture Barn

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Commercial Pasture Barn

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Large Scale Pasture Barn

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We’ll help you make the best decision for your farm and flock.

Reach out to us with any questions or inquiries, or click below to book a virtual demo of the ROVA|BARN.
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